Beacon Experts Help Shift Male-Dominated ADHD into Focus in Health Journal Article
June 20, 2016
Drs. Andrea Brode and A.
Boven Career Development Center Embodies Beacon’s Enhanced Career-Focus
June 10, 2016
Once the last strains of “Pomp and Circumstance” fade from memory, the Class of 2016 faces a less celebratory circumstance.
Development Psychologist Advises the Early Bird Gets the Results for Students with Learning Disabilities
June 7, 2016
Dr. Oksana Hagerty discusses the value of early intervention for LD students in this featured blog post at Momoandme.
World Listens While Beacon Psychotherapist Discusses Boomerang Millennials On Voice Of America Broadcast
June 7, 2016
Dr. Nicki Nance appeared on the American Café, a program on Voice of America —which broadcasts to an international audience that reaches more than 181 million people each week in 44 languages around the world via television, radio, and the web — where she discussed Millennials Moving Home.
U.S. News & World Report Picks Beacon Psychotherapist’s Brain for Tips on Dodging Tricky Money Situations
June 7, 2016
Dr. Nicki Nance shares helpful tips on how to avoid embarrassing scenarios regarding money in this U.
Administrator Identifies Hurdles Tripping Up Graduation for Collegians with Learning Disabilities
June 7, 2016
Stephanie Knight discusses the reasons why talented LD students too often fail to persist to graduation in this op-ed in the respected newsletter Recruitment & Retention in Higher Education.
2016 Alumni Reunion Video
June 7, 2016
Relive the magic of Beacon College Alumni Reunion 2016, even if you weren't able to attend the event, in this video presentation.
Beacon Psychologist Discusses Value, Limitations of Emotional Intelligence in Workplace
May 24, 2016
While emotional intelligence is a valued commodity in the workforce, it will only get you so far.