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We're Here to Help

At Beacon, enrollment management encompasses your discovery and exploration of the college as well as your college readiness, application process, financial aid, and beyond. We understand that visiting potential colleges and applying for admission can seem overwhelming. Our team is here to help you through each stage of the process.

Whether you are looking for more information on Beacon College or are ready to apply but unsure where to begin, a member of our team is happy to assist you. You can always reach out to the Office of Admissions at admissions@beaconcollege.edu or 855-220-5376 (toll-free) with any questions.

Our Leadership

Dale Herold

Senior Vice President of Enrollment Management and Auxiliary Program Initiatives


Brody Glidden

Associate Dean of Admissions and Summer Programs


Office of Admissions

Lydia Kritzman

Associate Director of Admissions


Helen Chinn

Admissions Counselor


Gabe Watson

Admissions Counselor


Michaela DiDonato

Administrative Assistant


Enrollment Services and Financial Aid

Stephanie Liebowitz

Director of Enrollment Services and Financial Aid


Chrystol Ingram

Associate Director of Enrollment Services


Marketing and Communications

Samantha Gordon

Executive Director of Enrollment Marketing, Communications and Systems


Meet With Our Team

If you would like to schedule a meeting with us while we are in your area, please contact us at admissions@beaconcollege.edu or 855-220-5376.

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