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Annual Student Art Exhibit Showcases Creativity of Budding Masters at Work

April 4, 2023


Imaginations Go Pop in Full Color at ‘Pop Goes the Easel’ Exhibition

February 8, 2023

By Gabrielle Russon Michael Knapp wants his art to say something.


Beacon Staffers Take it to the Stage in Play that Reveals Life Lessons about Jealousy and Hatred

November 3, 2022

Fighting over a man is a tragedy as old as time. In fact, it’s biblical.


Bellamy’s Statutes Stand Out in Recent Exhibit Meant to Reduce Art Buyer’s ‘Visual Tension’

December 1, 2021

Orlando interior designer José J. Cabrera helped support regional artists by mounting and sponsoring Visual Tension: Artspace 2021, an exhibition staged in November at Mills Gallery in Orlando.


Beacon Writing Expert Puts his Art on the “Block”

April 26, 2021

Beacon College writing consultant and artist Dr. Ray Nault celebrated having two woodblock prints accepted into the 38th International Yoshida Hanga Academy exhibition, staged from March 27 through April 11 in Tokyo.


Senior Art Student Offers His “Perceptions” in New Exhibition

March 31, 2021

As Beacon College studio artist Marcos Allen sees it, the things he’s known living the bucolic life in Madison, WI, the unknown things that foster racial strife, and all the moments in between leaving Madison and on the homestretch of graduating college are doors that have shaped his senior portfolio exhibition, “Perceptions.


Beacon Art Professor Explores City-Country Junction in New Exhibition

November 3, 2020

Beacon College studio arts chair Russell Bellamy explores the intersection of urban and bucolic life in his new exhibition at the Webber Gallery at the College of Central Florida.


Student Artist Confronts Dyslexia in Virtual Exhibition

November 2, 2020

Challenging times drive some to despair. For Emily Marra, challenging times she endured as a student with dyslexia and other learning differences drove her to draw.


Juried Art Exhibition Showcases Versatility of Beacon Artistry

April 23, 2020

Art, by definition, involves getting creative. And creativity is exactly what the Beacon studio art department mustered this month after the COVID-19 pandemic shifted the college into remote learning mode and scuttled plans for a traditional celebration of the Seventh Annual Juried Student Exhibition.


Beacon Student Artist’s Peeks into Human Machine Picked for Local Exhibition

January 23, 2020

Jonah Bienhoff’s artwork reflects her experiences and struggles — “almost like a self-portrait.


Beacon Professor’s Book Reveals “Forsaken” History of Never-released “Fantastic Four” Film

December 11, 2019

Beacon College humanities professor and pop culture expert Dr.


Behind Beacon College Art Professor’s “Capitulation”

October 30, 2019

Beacon College assistant professor of art Dustin Boise is a hard-charging soul in his desire to elevate students’ understanding and in his pursuits as a studio artist.