Communicating Beacon's Story
Generating news releases and managing media inquiries about Beacon’s programs and activities, we connect the Beacon community with journalists in electronic and print media. The Office of College Communications oversees social media, creates op-ed columns, produces special features, conducts media training, and delivers online news stories about Beacon’s programs and its community.
For the Media
Reporters looking to tell a story about Beacon College will find that we’re happy to assist.
Because of the college’s signature expertise in learning differences and other disciplines, our faculty experts, unique teaching models, and students often are featured in electronic and print media.
Reporters who wish to interview Beacon College experts or pursue stories about the college should contact Darryl Owens at 352-638-9789 or email
Contact Information
Darryl E. Owens
Associate Vice President of Communication and Engagement
352-638-9789dowens@beaconcollege.eduMary Wymer
Digital Communications Manager