After graduating Beacon back in May 2014, I was in a program called AmeriCorps NCCC FEMA corps, a national service program, for 10 months that helped me grow as a person even more and changed my life direction in a good way. I now spend most of my time trying to pursue jobs and a career working with sea life and ocean conservation by helping at different organizations, aquariums, and non profit organizations with marine animals and water quality and environmental tasks. If I ever get the opportunity, I might try to pursue a masters in Marine Biology, Oceanology, Zoology, Phycology, or any field of study that might help me with this career.
I am also Scuba Divers Certified by PADI which is a great certification to have in trying to aim for these jobs. I also try to do some volunteering with places that do not have to do with the career path I am aiming for as well.