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Beacon College was pleased to participate in ADDA’s 25th Anniversary International Adult AD/HD Conference, offering several sessions at their ADHD Goes to College Preconference. Representatives from the Office of Admissions provided presentations on various topics associated with attending college as a student with ADHD.

PowerPoint slides from select presentations may be found here:

(from “The College Selection Process: Don’t Stress, This is Only One of the Most Important Decisions of Your Life!”)

(from “College Support:  Case Studies Highlighting Successes, Challenges and Interventions for College Students with ADHD”)

(from “The Oak Meadow Scale – ADHD and Student Autonomy”)

Ben Mitchell, Director for Admissions for Oak Meadow School, has taught at Landmark College, The Union Institute, and Smith College. Working in the field of disabilities education since 1989, Mitchell has taught everything from 3rd grade to graduate school, using strategies to support diverse learning styles. In 2009, Mitchell founded Student Mentoring Services, an online mentorship program of cloud-based technology to support executive functions. At Landmark College, Mitchell was a founder of the Language Intensive Curriculum, employing assistive technology to support significant deficits in reading and writing. Mitchell has presented all over the world on original research in the field.
Questions may be addressed to admissions@beaconcollege.edu or post yours on Facebook