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Stressed college student Life has no road map. Sometimes we go through life blindly, not knowing much of anything, just trying to figure it out along the way. Whether it be relationships, family, or school, after awhile it all becomes overwhelming, and we feel like there is no escape. Sometimes the burdens of life become so heavy that we feel like no one could possibly ever relate. There is no road map, but there are bird crumbs of hope left from the ones that came before us.

When life becomes unbearable I always tell myself tomorrow is a new day. We may not be able to change the events that have occurred, but we can change the way we choose to handle it. The great late poet Maya Angelo said, “We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” I believe she was saying that problems in life are bound to come, but we must not let our problems overcome us. There is always room for growth, along the way in this journey called life. We learn from our mistakes, knowing that the old does not work and it’s time to rebuild and make a new plan.

It’s very important medical wise to be aware of your physical and emotional signals of stress. Stress can cause irritability, depression, and aches and pains. Sometimes it is absolutely necessary to take a time out and do something for yourself. Time stops for no one, but you really do have to schedule your time so that you are able to take care of yourself. Declutter your life of things that don’t belong. Make time for fun; don’t let 24 hours pass you by without laughing or smiling.

Everyone handles stress differently. Beacon College senior Carl Casimir says, “Through my life I found many ways to help me deal with stress, but the best thing for me is either listening to good classical music, jazz, blues or just going to the gym and working out my frustration.” It’s important to understand, like Carl has, to know when you are stressed and how to deal with stress. Exercising is a great outlet for defeating stress; it releases endorphins which are the body’s natural pain killer. Exercising is a good way to clear your mind of life problems.

There is no life map to life, but the bird crumbs make out a great puzzle of inspiration. Try to take one day at a time. Unfortunately, we are not super heroes and can’t reenergize in seconds, but we can reschedule. There is not always time or energy for a work-outs, but there is always time in the day to smile.

~Adrienne Hughes