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Roger Corman Book William Nesbitt For Beacon College humanities professor Dr. William Nesbitt, writing books about legendary B-movie king Roger Corman is like eating Lays potato chips: He can’t stop with just one.

Nesbitt’s previous book, Forsaken: the Making and Aftermath of Roger Corman’s The Fantastic Four, explored the weirdness behind the superhero movie that was never supposed to see the light of day. In his second outing, Nesbitt serves as an associate editor on Roger Corman’s New World Pictures (1970-1983): An Oral History Volume 1.

“In 1970, Roger Corman launched his own film production-distribution company, New World Pictures,” according to the book jacket. “Over the next 13 years, he would supervise the creation and release of more than 100 films, including such classics as Death Race 2000 (1975), I Never Promised You a Rose Garden (1977), Piranha (1978), and Rock ‘N’ Roll High School (1979).”

The Corman oral history brims with entertaining anecdotes and insiders’ insights about the filmmaking process gleaned from interviews with 20 New World crew members. In addition to his editing contributions, Nesbitt conducted interviews with costume designer Durinda Wood, actor Sid Haig, and actress Grace Zabriskie.