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A record-setting group of students and parents curious about the industry-leading results Beacon College delivers packed the college’s final Open House of the 2015-16 school year.

Faculty and staff welcomed 43 students among the 127 guests to the April 16 Open House, the school year’s fifth event. The turnout eclipsed the previous Open House high-water mark: 38 students among 100 participants. That total, coupled with several families who toured the campus the day before, meant nearly 50 students and 150 visitors in all explored Beacon.

“Open houses are important as the entire college community is available to describe and answer questions about the Beacon College experience,” said Dale Herold, dean of admissions and enrollment management at Beacon College. “At an Open House, prospective students can meet their potential fellow classmates. Families can interact with each other, compare notes about colleges they’ve visited and [discuss] how Beacon measures up.”

Open House 2016
President George Hagerty shared his vision for Beacon.


“Today’s college shoppers want to know who’s leading the institution and how this leadership could affect their child’s future,” Herold said.

Presenters from various school departments educated attendees about Beacon’s unique teaching model, adaptive technology, financial aid, life on campus and more. A five-student panel shared their stories of achievement and future plans and fielded questions about student life.

Additionally, for the first time at an Open House, attendees learned about Beacon’s “Summer for Success.” The three-week program for rising high school seniors equips participants with effective learning strategies to help them ace their senior years and conquer the fear of transitioning to college.

The Open House turnout continued the steady growth of recruitment Beacon enjoyed during the 2015-16 recruitment cycle, Herold noted.

“As word of Beacon College and its amazing student outcomes spread, both [the number of] day-to-day campus visitations and [attendance at] Open House programs have grown substantially,” she said.

Those spikes translate into more Beacon applicants — up 23 percent for fall 2016.