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Christopher Irving

Senior Instructor

352-638-9734 Ext. 134cirving@beaconcollege.edu


  • M.F.A. from Florida Atlantic University: English-Creative Writing
  • B.A. from Florida Atlantic University: English Literature and Multimedia Studies

Areas of Study

College composition; American modernist literature; lage 19th century colonial literature; science-fiction literature; dystopic and utopic literature

About Christopher Irving

Christopher Irving is a senior instructor of humanities at Beacon College, where he teaches college composition, rhetoric, science-fiction literature, media literacy, and film history.

He holds a bachelor of arts in English, a bachelor of arts in multimedia studies (specifically film and video), and a master of fine arts in creative writing with an emphasis on dystopic, utopic, and post-apocalyptic literature. His thesis novel, “The World Will be Better Tomorrow: A Story of Post-Apocalyptic Sarcasm” examines the lack of preparation in industrial societies for even the most ordinary social dilemmas. He has published both fiction and nonfiction fiction in journals and magazines relating to his field of study including Variety, the Journal of Nature, the Journal of Utopian Studies, and several state and national periodicals.


  • “Initials” poem 04/19, Nature Writing Poetry and Literary Journal
  • “It’s OK if ‘The Shape of Water’ Turned You On” 03/18, Mashable
  • “Sequel-laden ‘Star Wars’ Must Watch for Death Star,” op-ed piece 02/18, Orlando Sentinel