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As the Spring Break is now upon us, we wanted to keep you updated on the College’s continued planning and actions with respect to the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on Beacon’s operations.  Today, President Hagerty met with key personnel who will be responsible for managing the many elements based upon the best interests of our community, especially our students and employees.

Here is what we know now:  Spring Break will continue as scheduled through March 23.  On or before Wednesday, March 18, the College will announce its decisions regarding the prospect of extending Spring Break. An elongated Spring Break would trigger the implementation of remote instruction to allow students to continue to progress in their coursework.  At this time — considering the national landscape — it is likely that students will not be allowed to return to campus until a later date.  Once the decision is made, course instructors and Learning Specialists will notify students directly about academic expectations.

Of course, we will keep you informed next week should public health and safety officials impose restrictions.