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Brian Ogle Professor Ogle brings to you a wild of a summer in summer term but outside of the classroom! Looking for a way to get some credits this summer, and also learn more about animals? Professor Ogle is a wildlife enthusiast who loves sharing his knowledge about animals, nature, and scientific information.

I sat down with Professor Ogle, who gave me the inside scoop on the Animal Behavior class happening during the summer term. In this class, “students should be ready to enjoy interactive hands-on lessons outside of the classroom,” he explains.

Professor Ogle expresses that anyone who is interested in animals can benefit from this course. However, if you do not know much about animals, you will by the end of the class. Students get to collect data that is observed or researched, which will allow them to become experts in animal behavior.

Mr. Ogle states,” I believe that learning outside of the classroom is essential for every student, regardless of if they have an LD or ADHD. This practice allows you to see how the material is applied in a real-world setting, which makes it easier to understand. Typically, teaching outside of the classroom allows for more hands-on learning (learning by doing rather than learning passively in a lecture setting). However, there is some evidence through research that shows this is especially beneficial in connecting material to students with LD.”

The majority of the time, labs will be held at Orianna Center for Indigo Conservation. The location is a place where indigo snakes can go and be well-kept from danger in the wild. Professor Ogle explains that he hopes that the students will learn to appreciate not only animals and their behavior but also the chance to learn outside of a classroom setting. As for an interviewer asking about the course, I decided to research about the indigo snake and found a fact on how Indigo snakes eat vertebrates to survive.

This looks like it will be a fun class with lots of cool activities.

~Lindsey Flax