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Learning Takes Flight When Birds of a Feather Flock to Beacon Science Fair

December 8, 2016

Kheyany Webb is no birdbrain. Yet, when Yendise Collie encountered Webb Friday at the Compass Center at Beacon College in Leesburg, she quickly discovered that Collie had birds on the brain.

Student News

Beacon Students Go Off into the Wild [Jet]Blue Yonder on Airline Training Center Tour

November 9, 2016

Come fly with me, let’s float down to Peru In llama-land there’s a one-man band And he’ll toot his flute for you Come fly with me, let’s take off in the blue -Frank Sinatra The passengers were buckled up and raring to go.

Student News

Beacon Student Group Supports U.S. Troops with Holiday Assault on the Grinch

October 19, 2016

Lined up just inside a community room at The Villages’ Lake Miona Recreation Center Monday, a group of millennials waited while watching seniors busy as Santa’s elves sorting sundries and packing boxes.

Student News

Four Seasons Field Trip Helps Students Check Out High-end Hoteling

April 29, 2016

LAKE BUENA VISTA, FL — As they entered the hotel, it didn’t take students in Simon Vaz’s Introduction to Business class long to realize they weren’t in Kansas anymore (and booked at an Econo Lodge).

Student News

Performance Club Finale Shows Beacon College’s Got Talent

April 27, 2016

The time had come. The show must go on.

Student News

Constandinos “Dean” Logus: Beacon’s running man does three the hard way

March 4, 2016

Get in a half-mile swim and that’s a good workout for most.

Student News

The Beacon College Creepy Carn-Evil Halloween Party

November 13, 2015

The Beacon College annual Halloween party took place on Saturday 10/31.

Student News

Students Develop Designs for the 2015-2016 Academic Catalog Cover

May 26, 2015

It has become an annual tradition at Beacon College for the students in Sandy Novak’s Photoshop class to develop potential designs for the cover of the upcoming year’s Academic Catalog.

Student News

Performance Club Disney Show

April 24, 2015

The Performance Club show took place on Friday, April 17th at the Tropic Theater in downtown Leesburg.

Student News

Techniques for Handling Stress in Times of Chaos

April 22, 2015

We all feel the effects of stress from time to time.

Student News

Pressed With Stress

April 22, 2015

Life has no road map. Sometimes we go through life blindly, not knowing much of anything, just trying to figure it out along the way.

Student News

Seder Celebrated at Beacon College

April 11, 2015

Celebrating Seder has become an annual tradition at Beacon College, courtesy of the Resnick family.